Welcome to my second game, a 2D top-down shooter that has been a rewarding project to work on.

Throughout the development process, I have focused on utilizing the programming concepts that I've learned in the past month, particularly those related to decoupling logic and visuals. I've made a conscious effort to keep my code clean and maintainable, focusing on writing code that is easy to understand, maintain, and expand.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, I've explored two ways of shooting projectiles: using hitscan or simulating a real projectile. While I intentionally kept the visuals simpler to focus on coding, I believe that the gameplay mechanics are engaging and enjoyable.

Moreover, I've also taken this opportunity to further my knowledge of Git and GitHub, utilizing them to manage the project.

Overall, this has been a great learning experience, and I'm excited to share it with the world

All the assets are CC0, but here they're anyway: 




TopDownShooterWindows.rar 23 MB

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